Wednesday, May 24, 2006

canadian website sued for publishing anonymous viewer comments

The website is being sued for libel by a company called Sharman Networks for an article which contains quotes from this AP article and also some comments by an anonymous user of the site. The suit charges that by 'publishing' these comments is defaming the characters of Sharman Networks and their CEO. The anonymous posters are also named as John and Jane Does in the suit.

The way the comment(s) were 'published' was that it was clearly stated they were anonymous posts to, as reading the google cache will clearly show.
[update: google cache now gone, but yahoo cache still intact for now.]

The comments in question appear to be an insider releasing some tasty tidbits on CEO Nikki Hemming, claiming that she is a 'dupe' merely in place to distract attention or something like that(not the kind of thing someone would take seriously if it were false, so......?). I'm tempted to post the entire thing in question here, but I won't have to decide on that until the yahoo cache goes down.

The reason it is essential that this lawsuit fails is that if a precedent is set that internet sites are responsible for anonymous postings they 'publish' the entire online world is in trouble. For a few more details on what lawsuits of this type are generally intended to accomplish, check out this article.

Help Jon beat the lawsuit

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