Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Swarmcast Accelerator: what it is and why you should have it!

What is it?
Swarmcast Accelerator is a new, free product from Onion Networks which is magically capable of accelerating and improving the download of pretty much anything on the internet.

How does it work?
Swarmcast Accelerator uses a technology called swarmstreaming to redistribute the bandwidth necessary to download a file across all the people who are currently downloading it. Instead of all the information coming directly from one computer which is providing the file on the internet, much of this information is shared between the computers downloading the file so that all these computers can cumulatively receive the information much faster than if the first computer tried to send individual copies of all this information to each of the other computers all by itself.

This is, in fact, the concept used by all peer-to-peer programs. Swarmstreaming is different in one essential way, however, from all other programs to date. Instead of receiving different parts of a file in whatever random order they can be found, the process is specially coordinated so that the file arrives in perfect order, just like a regular download. That way, you can start to use the file, or play it if it is a media file, immediately without waiting for it to finish. Until now, this was the main superiority that regular internet downloads had over peer-to-peer downloads.

Why should anyone use it?
Alright, so this program sounds interesting, but why should anyone use it? This is only a marginal improvement over other peer-to-peer systems and who wants to deal with a specialised program and limited content?

This is where Swarmcast Accelerator really shines. Unlike other peer-to-peer systems, after the initial installation there are no special programs to run and no special network to use for files. The Swarmcast Accelerator meshes right in to your existing browser and can accelerate any file on the existing internet. It helps take the burden of large files on the internet and distribute it among the people who want those files, making online distribution of pretty much anything much more cost effective for everyone. And what's the net effect of this for the user? The internet simply starts to work magically faster.

Swarmstreaming is a technology that I've been waiting for for a long time, and I'm overjoyed that it's finally here. Congratulations, Onion Networks, for your amazing work. Now, everybody go here and download this program right now!

If you have more questions about Swarmstreaming technology, Onion Networks has more information here.

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