Wednesday, January 04, 2006

This just in...and out!

Are you unhappy in your current job and wish you could earn a better living? Stratford Career Institute can offer you the perfect solution!

Honest, I swear!

They sent me a neat little letter and told me all about it. They must be really busy with all the people they're helping to become millionaires, because they even forgot to put my name on the envelope. They must know me, though, because their letter begins, "Dear Friend" and I'm not generally friends with people I don't know.

Because they had been kind enough to send me an exciting, albeit impersonal piece of undirected advertising, I did to them what I try to do to all my friends: I returned the favour. They had included a prepaid return envelope, so it was easy. I have plenty of advertising material sitting around, so I grabbed the closest piece and slipped it in. On the front it reads:

"Cremation. You might think it's the last decision you have to make..."

and on the back:

"What you don't know could make all the difference..."

Just to keep everything square, it too has a postage-paid tear-off reply option. It's going in the mail tomorrow. I don't know how my career has improved as a result of this letter, but I can certainly tell you my happiness has.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if the poorly paid shlock reading your wonderfully thoughtful letter is on his way to be a millionaire? At least he'll have a nice burial.

Anonymous said...

Freakin' hilarious man.